Valid MSIX

Check now if your Win32 app is ready for migration to MSIX.

Ready for SCCM/Intune deployment

All converted packages, be them MSI or MSIX are ready for silent deployment through SCCM or Intune.


On demand, setup packages can be customized for an enhanced deloyment.

Our Services

The MSIX still has missing functionality, no secret here. It will take some time until services will be available, the equivalent of connecton group from App-V etc.

In cases of unsuported MSIX functionality, we recommend you tox` convert the legacy EXE installation to MSI, being SCCM deployment compatible.

Upgrade now to avoid time pressure that may come later.

Dealing with old legacy apps might be challanging but we are here to help you during migration.

Demo installers MSI/EXE/MSIX

Check the below samples that may give you a better overview of what our team can do for you.

Migrate now and evaluate your installers!

Contact us

Let us know about your project or get in touch to find out more details.

Or you can write us anytime to:

office at vengesoft dot com